Saturday, March 19, 2011

Rant #1: Much Ado About Nothing

Well, I can't take it any longer and I just have to post something! And I think I'll start with possibly a rant...

First off, I'm a little distressed about spring break being almost over! I feel like I have done almost nothing on my break (besides going out of town to my grandparents) except play my DS... But I guess it'll be good to get back into a regular schedule... ah, who am I kidding... where did you go, spring break!?

Anyway, I've sort of discovered this cute little "toy" series recently. They are the Iwako erasers! They are absolutely precious, but so expensive! $1 for a 2in. tall eraser that I won't even erase with? Come on! *ahem* Because of the pricing, I only have two, an orange hamster and a pink duck:

Cute, huh?

Alright, what else can I rant about... ahah! Got it!

I got Pokemon Black before spring break (surprise, surprise!). I have played it all this week, which leads to a both empty and accomplished spring break. I got six out of eight badges, and my strongest (Samurott, gosh what terrible English name!) is level 40. (I will probably talk about Pokemon quite a bit by the way, so if you dislike it, just skip parts like this.)
I do not have DS capable wi-fi unfortunately, so no GTS/C-Gear/random battles for me... I was lucky though as I managed to get Victini while on vacation:

It is one time availability, so I'm glad I grabbed it!

My final rant: I love the gadgets you can add on this site! If you look on my page, I added the fish on the bottom (love them!) On the right is Harry Potter quotes (because that is one of the best non-manga book series I have read) and funny thoughts, because humor is my favorite genre!

My next post will probably be an anime review, as I have started a new anime series that I wish to continue.

Thanks for reading!

P.S. Wow, that ended up being a bunch of short rants about lots of stuff! I'll try not to write like this again if I can help it -_-

Edit: I thought that the title of this post was witty at first, but then I looked it up and it turns out that the play with the same title has some really strange themes in it that have nothing to do with this... oh well.


Welcome to my blog! I'll start by saying thank you for coming and reading this! I have wanted to become a writer for years now and this is a great way to get started. I hope to become famous through my writing and be successful in it. At the bottom of the main page, you will find a link to a website called There, I have posted my own "fan fictions." I appreciate any readers that I have, though keep in mind that I wrote those at least a year ago. I wrote in the Pokemon, Rune Factory, Harvest Moon, and Naruto categories for those of you interested.

Okay, I'll stop advertising (for now).

Anyway, I enjoy anime, manga, and video games (if you haven't seen where I've posted it all over the place) in all different genres. I will be writing about some of those, including reviews of recently played games, manga I read, and anime I watched. Since I wish to be published, I will probably use this site for writing rough drafts of stories I have as well.

As I said before, I appreciate my readers. I thank you for reading this and in helping me become closer to fame!


Edit: I almost forgot. I might post personal stuff here and there on here (I won't go into too much detail, I think, it'll depend on my mood). I'll make a label if there is something like that so that you don't have to read it unless you want to. Anyway, again, thank you!